Sunday, January 27, 2013

Morrison Park Identified by New Sign Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky

Morrison Park was once a well defined community, consisting not only of the popular camp meeting ground but also of many families, two different schools and for a short time even a general store. For many years, all Barren County residents knew the location of Morrison Park. Some early residents of the county even identified Highway 63 as the Morrison Park Road. Although a Morrison Park Road still exists between Highway 63 and Highway 90, there was actually nothing to further identify to any traveler along the highway that they traveled through Morrison Park. Until recently, even the structures of the park were hidden from view by overgrowth. Many young people were not even aware of the park's existence. Mike Hudspeth of Hudspeth's Signs, recently put Morrison Park and the Campgrounds back on the map with the donation of a wonderful new sign. Mike, along with his wife, Joan and children, spent a day putting up the sign. This has been one of the most wonderful contributions to the resurrection of the park.

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