New painting. "The Old Deacon," Peter Emory Hammer. He spoke the gospel message to Henry Clay Morrison on the night of his conversion. "Buddy, God is not mad at you." "Buddy, God so loved you that He gave His only son to die for you." Almost immediately something happened in his heart. His great burden just went away
and the joy of forgiveness went through him. Mr. Hammer was Morrison's great uncle. While young Morrison struggled on the mourner's bench for salvation, he reported how this dear old Deacon in the Baptist Church put his mouth to Buddy's ear and through his heavy mustache and beard spoke these words. They were the right words at the right time. Since our book"Orphaned No More was published, Nancy Richey was able to find an old tiny photo of Mr. Hammer. He looked just as Morrison described. The painting was made from the old photo. I wish we could have had this in the book. The painting will be placed in the Morrison Memorial Library Cabin at Morrison Park.