Sunday, July 31, 2016

A memorial contribution to Morrison Park in memory of Delbert Birge.

A memorial donation of $100.00 has been made to Morrison Park in memory of our dear friend Delbert Birge. All memorials are printed and kept in a memorial book in the Morrison Library cabin.

Friday, July 29, 2016

An Angel of Morrison Park, Delbert Birge Has Died.

    I have only given this honorary title to very few, but without a doubt, Delbert Birge was an Angel of Morrison Park. Delbert came to help us, and he stayed. He did so much to rebuild the Piercy cabin,and so much work on the other structures. But, more than his work and skill, he brought his love and friendship. What a joy he was. He made hard work, fun. It was because he was there. We love you and mourn your passing. We will never forget what you did here. The family of Delbert is in our prayers.                                                                 Gary Bewley
    Buck Riddle, left, and Delbert on the right. Both worked so hard, for so many days, and neither took one cent. They did it for me, for the Lord and for all they believed the Lord was going to do at dear old Morrison Park. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Memorial Contribution to Morrison Park in memory of Louise D. Hensgen

A $25.00 donation was made to Morrison Park in memory of Louise Hensgen of Raleigh , N.C. by Lyman and Sally Dixon.Thank you for remembering Morrison Park with this memorial contribution to honor your loved one. God bless you. Gary Bewley

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Morrison Park Memorial in Memory of Joe Bailey

A $50.00 donation was made to Morrison Park Restoration in memory of Joe Bailey by Fendall and Marjorie Strode. We are so grateful for this contribution in Memory of Mr. Bailey. Joe's father and mother were great supporters of Morrison Park. His father Paul Bailey was saved here under Rev. Morrison's preaching, and took care of the grounds for many years. Joe's brother, Marshall is on the Board of directors for Morrison Park.

Work has begun on the new Morrison Park tabernacle.

Work began last week on the new Morrison Park tabernacle. The first of the three old original metal trusses was put in place this morning. We are so excited to see the tabernacle coming back to life. We thank and praise the Lord for letting this dream come true.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A trip to Indian Springs Holiness Camp Meeting Flovilla Ga.

This weekend I made a trip to Indian Springs Holiness Camp Meeting in Flovilla Ga., south of Atlanta. This camp meeting was organized in 1890, ten years earlier than Morrison Park. Indian Springs has continued to grow and flourish and is most remarkable. With over 125 homes, cabins, apartments, trailers, motor homes, and even a small hotel, it is like a little city in itself. A great number of people assemble here every year for a two week revival/camp meeting. Most of them live on the grounds, eat, sleep, visit, and worship the Lord with numerous bible studies and preaching services each day.
   Henry Clay Morrison used to preach here most every summer. In 1930, and 1931, Morrison spent two weeks here, only to immediately travel to Glasgow Kentucky for another two week meeting. On another occasion in 1938 Morrison left Morrison Park, this time heading to Indian Springs. Morrison often spent his entire summer involved in such campaigns for the Lord. I traveled to Indian Springs with the intent to see this grand ole camp meeting, attend the services, and to walk where Morrison walked.

Left; Morrison and his wife Betty at Indian Springs, the last summer of his life, Aug.1941, age 84.
Below left; Nancy Richey and I stand in front of the same home where Morrison was pictured 75 years earlier. It was such a thrill to see this old apartment house almost the same as it was 75 years ago.

Morrison right at the tabernacle at Indian Springs, and me, ( Gary Bewley) standing in the same spot over 75 years later. Oh' what I would give to here him preach then.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

New Tabernacle Work Set to Begin at Morrison Park, Two Brothers Construction

Work is set to soon begin on the new tabernacle at Morrison Park.  The structure is to be built on the exact spot where the original altar area of the old tabernacle once stood. The new tabernacle will be built over, but not upon the old concrete pad that once served the altar area. The concrete is far from perfect but it is usable, and for costs sake, it had to be utilized. If the time ever comes when it is economically possible for a new floor, the structure will not have to to disturbed. The Tabernacle will be approx. 80 ft x 24 ft, slightly narrower than first planned. This will allow for the use of the original metal trusses from the old tabernacle to be used. The exact date of the construction of the original tabernacle is not known, but a 1913 article, states "the park has a large new tabernacle."  The original tabernacle was enlarged by Rev. H.C. Morrison in 1931, but there is no doubt the rounded top metal trusses go back to the original structure. After much seeking and much prayer, the Lord led us to "Two Brothers Construction", who have been so excited at the opportunity to build the new tabernacle, and we are so comforted to have found someone with the skills to utilize the old trusses in the new building. Unfortunately the trusses are the only things usable from the original structure. It was so important for us to use them. We feel the size of the new structure is what we can presently afford, however; as time continues and if circumstances dictate the need, and if more finances become available, the tabernacle could always be enlarged to accommodate any future need. After the completion of the structure, a decking will have to be build for the podium area, and it will have to be wired for electricity. We are optimistic all this can be accomplished in the next several weeks, and that the tabernacle could be ready for use by early fall. We are so excited at the reality, that a new tabernacle will soon grace the grounds at Morrison Park. It has been a long hard road to get to this point. Many prayers have gone out, and so many have been offered up for the success of the park, We realize that this could never have been accomplished without the generosity of such wonderful people who have so freely and cheerfully given. We love you all, and can never repay your kindness, and trust in us to accomplish this goal. Please continue to pray for the parks success, and that all will go as planned. God bless you all.
                                                                      Gary Bewley, Pres. Morrison Park Camp Association