Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Barren County Monuments dedicated to Henry Clay Morrison

There have been many dedications made to the the honor and memory of our beloved Dr.Henry Clay Morrison. Several buildings at Asbury College bear his name, several plaques, paintings and portraits grace their campus, library and halls. There have been numerous books written about his life and the  Methodist, Holiness doctrine he preached and practiced. Pictured above are two Barren County monuments dedicated to his memory. The first is a monument at the Morrison Park Holiness Campground  on Hwy 63, dedicated soon after his death in 1942. The monument stands on the very ground that once belonged to his great grandfather, and was handed down through the generations. Morrison grew up here, plowed these hills as a boy, and later came back to the farm in 1900 to establish the Holiness Campground which still bears his name. The second monument stands on the lawn of the Boyd's Creek Methodist Church on Siloam Road near his old home place. Although the monument reads Boyd's Creek Church, it is clear to see the purpose for the monument is to honor the great man who was converted here in 1870 and went on to become one of the most prominent preachers of his time. Below is a monument dedicated to Morrison at Indian Springs Camp Meeting grounds in Georgia where he preached many times. The camp ground, (now a State Park) is still in existence and very much active as a Holiness Park.
We are so proud these monuments to Morrison exist, and we hope the ones in our county will do much to encourage our citizens to learn more about him, his accomplishments, and  the gospel message he preached. We at Morrison Park will continue to honor Dr. Morrison's legacy as we strive to serve the Lord.  The library cabin will soon be dedicated in Morrison's  name, and it is our great desire to someday see a Kentucky Historical Marker at Morrison Park, dedicated to Morrison and his accomplishments.