Prayer is every Christian's greatest strength. So, we realize as we work, toil and plan, that nothing can come to any good end, without the direction, leadership, and blessings of our Heavenly Father, whom we seek to serve. Rev. Henry Clay Morrison, pictured above in prayer, began this magnificent Barren County Camp Meeting site over 113 years ago, with a great love and spiritual concern for it's people. There is no way to fully appreciate and digest, the tens of thousands of prayers that have traveled Heaven's wonderful highway from this glorious hillside that was once part of this renowned minister's boyhood home. Oh' the hundreds of sermon's that have been preached here. Oh' the thousands of spiritual songs that have echoed across the valley. Oh' the number of repentant souls who have bowed down on the alters of prayer at this sacred spot and came forth rejoicing in glorious heartfelt salvation. Oh' what a beautiful time. Oh' what a glorious day.
We know God's work can be accomplished anywhere his people choose to humble themselves to worship and pray. Every spot can be sacred where God's mighty hand works, but yet, there is something so special and sacred about the Morrison Park hillside. First, there was no greater preacher of modern times, we believe than Henry Clay Morrison who's famed ministry spread across this nation and even to many different parts of the world. Even to this day Morrison is still regarded as one of America's greatest preachers and has attained a pioneer folk hero type status among many denominations, especially those of the Holiness faith. And then, there is this wonderful historic old park, where thousands have come to stay, to worship, to sing, to pray and to beseech their loved ones to bow before a loving Savior at an old fashioned alter of prayer. We cannot properly evaluate the number of souls saved and the amount of good works that have been conducted over the many years on this spot.
For two and a half years we have labored every available day. We have often come early and stayed late until it was too dark to see. We have labored with determination, often growing tired, weary. and a few times discouraged, but God would always send a renewed strength, a bright ray of sunshine and an answered prayer to put us a little further down the road to success. I cannot thank God enough for all the folks who have labored freely, giving their time and talents to see that things were done. I cannot thank God enough for all the folks who have stopped by to help with what they could afford to give. I cannot thank God enough for all the, churches, organizations, and individuals who have already given so much in so many ways. These gracious people believe and trust there is so much good still left here, and so much more work God can and will accomplish here. We are not done yet!
Work continues at the park, often daily. We continue to work on the log cabins, the grounds, and the other park structures. Miss Edie Bell has donated her time and efforts to plant and provide wonderful gardens on the grounds. We are so looking forward to the warm spring and summer days, to enjoy the beauty and fruits of her labors. The goal for 2013 is to have extended electrical work done at the park, and to restore the old concrete restroom building. Both venues prove to be most expensive. Thanks to many wonderful donations, along with several successful fund raising efforts, we have some funds, but more are needed to make this goal a reality. Of coarse, the ultimate goal in the days ahead is the plans for a new tabernacle, and the glorious time when God's word will once again be delivered here by God loving ministers whom we are confident He will direct and send our way.
Two and a half years ago, I bowed at the foot of the concrete memorial to Morrison that stands on the Park grounds. Here I earnestly prayed to God, as to, if it was his will , and if he would bless and direct our efforts to restore the old Morrison Park camp grounds. Then,before my closed eyes came the most beautiful picture of a clean, restored Morrison Park. This was received with a deep sweet spirit that cut through the depths of my heart. I believe. I am dedicated. I am committed to see it through. Many of you have also felt the same way and proven it by your support and generosity. Please pray for the success of Morrison Park. Please prayerfully consider what God might want you to do, to help. Please prayerfully consider helping, giving and supporting us in every way possible. There is still so much to do. There is still so much very hard work. The park belongs to everyone in Barren County. Please consider what you can do. PLEASE PRAY FOR MORRISON PARK. God Bless You All.
Gary Bewley,
Pres. Morrison Park Camp Meeting Association.