Sunday, May 28, 2017

Bro. Billy Moran, declared by the Morrison Park congregation, " the greatest pulpit orator on the American Continent."

Stormy Camp Meeting. The most miserable night in weather, that we ever enjoyed occurred at Morrison Park Camp Meeting last night. The night began pretty tame. Bro. Dennis Devore sang several songs from about 6:30 - 7 . A most talented man. Then the heavy rains and wind began. The rain blew in, and there was a bit of scuffling about to get to the section of the tabernacle less affected by the storm. After a few songs and a prayer that included a request for a break in the weather, Bro. Moran began an unforgettable sermon. Bro. Moran had several guest traveling with him, and in his desire to get everyone on board, he forgot his bible. He borrowed one from Bro. Billy Neal Davis, but hardly needed it, for it seems the bulk of the scripture is embedded greatly in the mind of Bro. Moran. His sermon and delivery was unforgettable. When he was done, everyone was amazed, and so blessed. Several comments were overheard, that despite the weather, this was the best night for sure. The amazing thing was that despite the threat of storms, there was a well represented crowd of people attending. At the conclusion of the service, it was decided by all in attendance that Bro. Moran should carry on the title once bestowed upon Henry Clay Morrison, "the greatest pulpit orator on the American Continent." Those who did not come missed much. Thank the Lord for this marvelous unforgettable service.                Gary Bewley

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