Monday, March 28, 2016

Bro. Dale Copas preached the Easter Sunrise Service at Morrison Park

    Bro. Dale Copas preached the Easter Sunrise sermon at Morrison Park Sunday morning. Bro. Copas gave a most memorable message about the risen Savior and His saving grace. I have not heard any minister proclaim God's word with any greater power and spiritualness, than that which I witnessed Sunday morning.The Lord was truly with us and I think all were blessed. Three hundred dollars was given by those in attendance Easter morning, for the rebuilding of the tabernacle. Bro. Dillard and Mary Rigsby gave $100.00, Bro. Copas took no money, and gave all his offerings to the Park. Everyone in attendance I think gave something. God bless Bro. Copas and each one who came and gave. What a blessed morning we had. Praise the Lord! Gary Bewley

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